Camera on the Rutor Glacier after 2 years of running
Camera on the Rutor Glacier after 2 years of running
Great news from the Rutor glacier!
Our researchers Claudio and Marco reached Colle del Rutor where the camera was positioned in September 2021. The camera was in excellent conditions, it seemed that wind, snow, rain and sun hadn’t affected the solar panel and the chassis. In fact, after having removed it and having verified its functioning, the researchers had the most beautiful surprise: the camera had worked continuously from the day of installation to today, taking two photos a day!
Now an ongoing elaboration work is up to the members of the OPTICE project to create a time lapse on the state of the glacier and to see the trend of snowfalls over the last two years.
Many thanks to Out-Of for supporting our operations during these years.
Many thanks also to Andrea Passerini of the Department of Physics at the University Milano-Bicocca for his great work and support on the realization of the electronic system.